Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I carry the madness, everwhere I go...

02/07/06: Deep in the Bordeaux countryside, reconstructed farmhouse someone has done up as a holiday home, infinity pool - nice but cold, 30 deg heat. Ultra tired, such weariness. Everything I think about makes me want to fall to my knees and beat the gound in frustration. I have just about everything that a first world male apparently neds, great job, sme good friends, somewhere to live (three of those!), etc, just the frustration of, the lack of someone to share it all with, make it all worthwhile, do it for, completeness, balance. Can't think of the word, I'm so tired. It'll come back to me, in the middle of the night no doubt.

So, chilling on the terrace, glass of wine, notebook to write in - no laptop, wi-fi, what have you here, Pablo Neruda poems, setting sun. All very nice. "Smash the mirror, smash the dreams" on the MP3. I need to add that this blog will be about running, poetry and music. Need to do something about the typeface issue too.

Got 6 months and more's worth of stress, change, change and more change to deal with, many hours at work at my new job, all that sort of bad stuff. Sent an email to L1 before I left - so tired it slipped through the guard I put on doing that sort of thing. Still, so much to say, so much hope, aspirations, ideas in my head. Not going to get me anywhere I know but still.

01.21 AM: Lightening storm going on. Watched the flashes strike along the ridgeline in front of us. Rain starting to fall but I'm under a canopy.

Soundtrack to one's life? She said 13th Baby. Me, I'm not sure.

The rest of my notes were rubbish, bored even myself when reading them back. I'll catch up with some more tomorrow. Time to go for a run whilst the evening is still shining bright. Been a good day, ploughed through a bunch of stuff.