Thursday, June 29, 2006

29 June 06

Why moggytales? Well, recently I had a nickname, alleycat, shortened to mog, so it seemed a Good Idea At The Time. When I get this thing fully sorted out with nice graphics and the blogs I like to read all carefully listed, you will see that I am in no comparable to the creativity and imagination of some of those people but hopefully I will get close. Sometime.

About me? Perhaps some time when I feel like boring or outpouring. But this blog is about trying to make sense of the human condition, from love (lots on that later) to news and current affairs, the global village, why do we do what we do to each other and how can we improve our lot. Ok, bit of a stretch target I know, but with a bit of effort and a lot of blogging, who knows?

Standing on the platform waiting for the 'oh' (even the automatic anouncer says that, shades of 'Eats shoots and leaves') '7.26' I pondered on the people around me, what do they do, what sort of lives do they lead? Where d they work, are they happy? At which point the train arrived. Too nice a day for much introspection. Later on, sitting at my desk on the 16th floor of a grimy office block, looking out over London I watched the morning haze being burnt off. Note to self; stop thinking about it and get a mini digicam for those moments. I definitely see life in colour these days!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Wednesday 28/06/06

Well, I've finally got round to it. Setting up this blog. Many many outpourings to get on, and bore the world with, but feeling creative and have some ideas and plans. Also a lot easier to type than write sometimes! Trouble is, hugely busy at work at the moment, bah, I haven't set up broadband in the new place yet, grr, and I am off on holiday next week, yippee! So it's going to be patchy to start with but I'm up for the challenge.
