Wednesday, December 27, 2006


By your silence I presume you are in today. That was to the very nice, now ex, young lady what I was going out with for an all too brief period. Geography getting in the way. Long distance relationships - bad!

Hey ho, back to the grind for us wage slaves to earn a buck or two in order to fulfil our dreams. Which are what? I dunno. This/next year is going to be different. Not something I normally say, New Year's resolutions are pointless, why make them when what needs to be done can be done when required, but I know that so much is going to happen these coming months that I am feeling tired already. So, the health and fitness programme is gearing up to take me there. There's going to be some serious running this year, attack a few specified races, ultras, marathons. Feeling empty at the moment, a void to be filled. Kickstart the social life again, got to meet some new, different people. But where? Salsa or Ceroc class? Evening class? Always pretty dire. Online dating seems to be a bit hit and miss. Random person in pub. Not sure about that. I know there's nothing wrong with me, just not meeting anybody. Perhaps travel about a bit, get some fresh ideas. Amazing how stale everything feels.

How did you manage it, get lucky that is? Where did you meet him? Am completely fed up with the people around me, always arguing and drinking. Or drinking and arguing. Need to get out and find some others. But where? Back to Ceroc? Try Salsa? What other avenues are there? I need someone smart, clever, imaginative. My bloody brain is going into meltdown with the tedium of it all. Need to do some work on those profiles I guess and start afresh. Activity holidays is something I've been toying with. A few like minded, similarly single souls, doing something adventurous. Sounds good to me.

And then there is the whole house / work balance thing. More drama. More thought required.

Am off to Club La Santa tomorrow for a week. A week of running, swimming, gym and yoga. Bliss. Get a tan, loose some weight, start the new regime. Fantastic. Was advised to; Just try and relax on your holiday, you have the rest of the year to plan and worry, just let go for a few days. Sound stuff, really. Did a 3.5M race yesterday, bit hilly, mostly on road, 22:34 mins, which was quite reasonable and I felt pretty good afterwards, so I'm getting there.

Later kids

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

That time of year again

Yes, it's the obvious I am refering to. All the presents are bought, do some wrapping tonight, the flat is starting to look vaguely presentable, and the menu has been planned. The flatmate and I are having a couple of mutual friends over for Christmas lunch - we're cooking a Thai meal as a bit of a change from the norm (jeez, how post-ironical am I), though turkey will be involved in one dish. Should be nice, if we can all hold it together. However, I know that one of the 'mutual' friends will drink too much and turn into an arse and ruin it all. Depressing to predict. The fact that I a) work for him, effectively speaking, and b) am going on holiday with him and the flatmate 2 days later for a running holiday is not going to help either. Gotta get shot of the place.

Still, my running is going ok, despite the weather - 24 hour frost which makes things a bit slidey when you are trying to push on, and a certain amount of disinterest. But I had a good speed session last Thursday, 4 x 2000's, then a nice 10M out into the country and back on Friday, and a zippy little 8M around town on Sunday evening. Plan is to go out for another decent run tonight when I get home. Have just bought myself a Garmin GPS to monitor progress, and once I have beaten it into submission - I have the opposing thumbs, mate, not you, I will be able to track progress. Nothing like looking at a Gantt chart to annoy or encourage!


Thursday, December 07, 2006

What a crock...

In the life I have outside of running, friends etc, I buy in services for the company for which I work. And at the moment I am negotiating Ts & Cs with an international vendor of telecommunication services. Why, when you say to them, change the words 'Order Form' to 'Purchase Order', which is a request we issue to call off their services, and they agree to this, do they then send back the contract 2 hours later after the tele conference with virtually the same wording but have added in the name of the company for which I work? What? Which bit of fucking dopey wanker who didn't make any notes during said telecon didn't you understand???

So, anyway, my dilemma at the moment is this, apart from dealing with intense amounts of anger, frustration and irritation with most things, is it ok to say to the absolutely hot woman I am seeing at the moment, do you want to make a date for Boxing Day whereby I fly down, we have sex, maybe go out to lunch or what have you, but yes, basically I want to see that face you make when you come, then fly back in the evening? Am I shallow?