Wednesday, December 20, 2006

That time of year again

Yes, it's the obvious I am refering to. All the presents are bought, do some wrapping tonight, the flat is starting to look vaguely presentable, and the menu has been planned. The flatmate and I are having a couple of mutual friends over for Christmas lunch - we're cooking a Thai meal as a bit of a change from the norm (jeez, how post-ironical am I), though turkey will be involved in one dish. Should be nice, if we can all hold it together. However, I know that one of the 'mutual' friends will drink too much and turn into an arse and ruin it all. Depressing to predict. The fact that I a) work for him, effectively speaking, and b) am going on holiday with him and the flatmate 2 days later for a running holiday is not going to help either. Gotta get shot of the place.

Still, my running is going ok, despite the weather - 24 hour frost which makes things a bit slidey when you are trying to push on, and a certain amount of disinterest. But I had a good speed session last Thursday, 4 x 2000's, then a nice 10M out into the country and back on Friday, and a zippy little 8M around town on Sunday evening. Plan is to go out for another decent run tonight when I get home. Have just bought myself a Garmin GPS to monitor progress, and once I have beaten it into submission - I have the opposing thumbs, mate, not you, I will be able to track progress. Nothing like looking at a Gantt chart to annoy or encourage!
