Monday, October 23, 2006


Saigon. Shit

So, that was Capt. Willard's view on it all. Echoed by mine recently. Handed in my notice today. It's been a struggle. Yes, the new job is good, nice people, fancy offices, a great day rate, but it is back in the grey toon of endless darkness and training through the cold wet winter in full kit. I am sad to loose my friends here, the London life that I have picked up, but I've got to go back and deal with stuff. Stuff. As my pal pointed out, the issue is that I've so thoroughly moved beyond it all the struggle is to go back and revisit it, understand the issues and sort them out. Signed the letter to sell the house this weekend, for instance. Pack up, put things in storage. Upsides? Less commuting by plane, time for training and study. And travel. Nice weekends away for instance. With the odd marathon thrown in. The London adventure is over.

Went out for supper this evening with my dad, his partner, and my brother, who's wife to be has had some sort of breakdown. Not good, and puts some of my problems in perspective. On the walk home from the station, it rained. I love walking in the rain, even if I use it to echo my mood. And now, sitting at my desk by the window I can see occasional flashes of lightening. Delicious!

Wonder what the forecast is?

So, detail stuff tomorrow. Lists. So tedious.