Monday, October 30, 2006

Well, I dunno

Well indeed, that's been quite an interesting few days. Handed in my notice at work last week, moving back up the road to the Grey Toon to a fancypants new job, ticks all the right boxes, even though I was enjoying my sojourn in London. Hells teeth - all change again! Still and all, London will be there for a while, available for future visits so to speak. So I packed everything up bar enought to keep me going for the next couple of weeks, chucked it all in the back of a hire car and drove off into the night. Via Kent and York, as one does, to pick up a few choice items which I bought on Ebay recently - there is always time for shopping! Total mileage about 800. Eventually got back to the flat, food shopping first order of the day as my flatmate hadn't had time to stock up (yeah, right), then shower, and create a very nice Thai red curry stir fry with fresh noodles and veg. Yummy! Washed down with a vodka and orange or two. Healthy y'see, orange juice that is... At which point my pal came round on his way into town, with a suggestion of accompanying him. So my evil angel knocked the quiet night in plan on its head and off we went. Beer! Wine! Beer! Oww my head! Thusly a more relaxed Sunday was required. Looked at a flat my flatmate is thinking about buying. Went out with my boy and bought him a mobile phone - chuffed to bits he was with that. Usual Sunday activity type things.
And the real highlight of the week? I've been talking to a fellow blogger, first email, then Messenger, text, finally a phone conversation. A gentle escalation. Actually, as far as blogging is concerned, she is up there in the stratosphere compared to this minor effort, but I'm hoping she can sort me out. If you know what I mean. Lots of ideas!!! We even have a date of sorts planned, subject to the madness that is public transport these days. Hope it goes well, she is lovely and amusing. (Gulp!) Almost forgotten what you do when you meet in 3D? All hints and tips gratefully received. And she blogrolled me! Me! I need a lie-down in a darkened room! Validation! Over use of exclamation marks!!! I feel so grown up. (Blush!)
And that creates another problem. Having taken most of my wardrobe back up the road, what do I wear? Help! Panic! And since Amsterdam I've done nothing but eat all the pies and drink all the beer I'm feeling lardy. So get out on the road Mog and get some miles in or else it won't be your sparkling wit and double entendres that will be impressing her. Drastic measures are called for. Fingers crossed (always a good strategy when all else fails) that it goes well.
