Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Sturm und Drang

So yet again a weekend has gone by without doing much 'me' stuff. My flatmate went into hospital on Friday unexpectedly, so I had to rush around getting things for her, speaking to her father, friends, etc. Trying to keep all the plates spinning. Had a plan to do some work on this blog, see how to add the links and a site counter and all the purty stuff that makes a page look good. Instead spent it drinking cheap red wine and letting other people get things off their chest. I am a goddam social service, me. Hey ho.

But I did spend a very nice Sunday evening in the company of a beautiful blonde. She cooked supper - squash, chorizo, chillis, in a tomato sauce, and I provided the New Zealand sparkling white - muy pleasant, and a smooth red, together with a box of Belgian chocs, and we just chilled for a while, talked about everything and nothing. And then spent a hot few hours together - bath with some of Lush's finest products, bath bomb, honey soap, smooching, generally getting very hot and sweaty! Ha! And I'm seeing her again on Friday as well as going shopping and out to lunch on Saturday, so I'm having a great time, thanks. Then I will be getting on a plane in the evening back up to the Grey Toon, and it will all come to a juddering halt for a bit, until I can get back down to see her again. Fuck.