Monday, January 01, 2007

Fun in the sun

Well, that was some night. Went out for paella, a few drinks, a firework display at midnight and off dancing afterwards. At least that was the theory. Started off the day with a hilly 6M, bit slow, then a tennis lesson - that was fun! And then in the afternoon went to a sports massage on legs class, very interesting. And some good skills to take home with me. But the evening. Certainly went for a couple of pints, then had the paella - I like all that Mediterranean diet jazz, and will be doing some more of it when I get back, including North African too. Anyway, whilst the other two went for cocktails, I went back to the room, showered, changed, blah, came back and met them for a cocktail myself, a couple of glasses of wine, white this time, good for lactic apparently, and also slows me down as I don't like it as much as red. Watched the entertainment, and then at 11 decided to post. Western Hemisphere, the Net, posting just before new year? Crap idea, mate. Sticking 1 Euro coins in the meter and watching my life tick away whilst nothing at all happened on a blank screen. Mad, overwhelming despair and anger. Who texted me? Only 1 person unprompted. Etc. That blasted WB Yeats poem rattling around in my head. Flatmate knocking back the vodka and cokes like there's no tomorrow - road smash waiting to happen. G disappears back to the room to go to the loo. After getting even more angry at not being able to log on go back to the room to see the flatmate lying there in her puke, so get her up and into the bathroom, strip duvet, then haul her out as G needs the loo - allergic reaction to shellfish, confronted by sight of him scurrying into the bathroom to be sick or whatever. See flatmate puke up some more, so get her up, strip her bed completely, take most of her clothes off, chuck everything out onto the patio. Etc. The stink. The seasonal joy. Actually, in a bizarre way, where were the cameras, it was all quite funny, and cheered me up no end! I had the same paella and felt fucking great! In fact, I felt completely on top of everything. Positive mental attitude to the whole thing. Loose 3kgs will put me at fighting weight.

Gotta go and change computers - run out of 2 Euro coins.