Monday, January 01, 2007


So, armed with another pile of coins I can start again. Speaking of positive mental attitude, it strikes me there is just so much out there. Thanks L3, you've been an absolute star. And it ain't over yet by a long chalk (where does that come from?). I have ideas. And I miss you. Really do. I know you float along a bit and I don't but we can work something out.

The next section of my notes started at 02.32 which is must have been when I went back to the room again:- Do I expect too much from my friends, of whichever depth or shade they may be? Instant accessability (the curse of the modern textual / email generation)? For intance, guests should behave like guests, turn up on time, entertain, be pleasurable company. Want to be invited back? It ain't rocket science. But friends? How much should I accept them for what they are? Do so few people want to progress, move on, understand?

And family. What about them? It occurred to me that not one of them rang up when I separated to say, hey, sorry to hear it, what can I do, just call if you need anything etc. Fuck 'em.

Am I too intense, overwhelming, full on?

So back to the the present. Not bad, the above, considering. Am keeping a list of my alcohol consumption this week. Makes for interesting reading. The above sounds almost coherent anyway. Am going to go dry for the next couple of weeks before my next marathon in Marrakesh at the end of January.

Had a laid back day today. Went for a 21km bike ride this morning, but cut it short due to boredom and sore arse from two spinning classes! Chilled by the pool or dozed on my bed for most of the day. Early bed tonight as I'm doing the 1/2 marathon tomorrow morning at dark o'clock - no booze either. It'll be a slow one but I'm looking forward to it.

I am keeing the usual log of training here so I'll put together a table when I get back and chuck it on here for light reading. Then it's off and running into many hours of training for my Californian 50M - ha!

Cheers all!